“Step 1 of 2 Complete!”
The link to access your purchase is at the bottom of the page after this special message…
What if you had access to software and personal training that would?…
- Create all your character names FOR YOU. – A catchy, easy to remember, name for your character that “fits” is essential. These resources generate an unlimited number of character names for you to take and use as you see fit.
- Fully develop your character’s back story and “arc” FOR YOU. – Each primary character in your book MUST have a history and develop/change over the course of the story. With this software all you do is fill in a few blanks and answer some questions and BANG it’s all done.
- Create your book outline FOR YOU. – As I said before, having a detailed outline for your book will knock off half or more of the overall time it takes to write it. Using this software will knock off about half the time it takes to develop that outline. All you do is click a couple buttons, check some boxes and there you have it… a ready made book outline you can use to get started IMMEDIATELY!
- And what if I gave you with Training videos that show you exactly how to get the best results from each of these deluxe resources. You get to watch me use them so there’s no mystery when it’s your turn.
If you had access to all that, would it make your life easier?
The answer is “Yes”, keep reading…
First thanks for investing in my course.
You now have access to everything you need to banish “Writer’s Block” forever and tap into an unlimited stream of bestseller book ideas.
But before you dive into that training and get going let me ask you a quick question.
What if I could make the whole process EVEN EASIER and MORE EFFECTIVE for you?
Like I said, you have access to everything you need to get the results I promised you.
However, I DID Hold Back a few Powerful Resources You Can Use To Supercharge Your Results.
*Caution* – They are powerful, but they could also easily be misused… so I want your promise before you get this that you will always use them the right way!!
These are the resources I personally use to…
- Create book outlines – Which I can then either flesh out on my own or hand off to a Ghostwriter.
- Develop character’s “Arc” and “Back Story”.
- Brainstorm character names.
And that’s exactly what you get today when you get my “Deluxe Training And Personal Coaching Upgrade” package.
I hold nothing back, you get it all.
Including 30 Days Of Private Email Coaching From Me.
That’s right, you get direct access to me as you go through the course in case you have any questions. How much easier will this process be when you can just shoot me an email whenever you have a question or hit a roadblock?
You might be wondering, if this is so great, why I’m willing to tell anybody at all? Why don’t I just keep it all to myself?
Fair enough.
The answer is that I feel guilty keeping it secret! I want to share… but I can’t let just anybody have it.
That’s why I’ve decided to let just a FEW SMART PEOPLE have access, and it isn’t going to be cheap!
If I limit the number of copies I make available and charge a lot for it then only people who are smart enough to recognize the awesome value, and who are willing to take fast action, will get it. And I’m okay with that.
This way only people who will actually use the information and are smart enough not to abuse it will get access to it.
So, here’s the deal…
As you should know by now I like to reward “fast action takers” by giving them the lowest prices on the things I sell.
I’ve set this up on a dime sale that starts out at 37 and goes up a dime on EVERY SALE until it tops out at $47. With this kind of aggressive price increase it will top out quick. And since I’m only going to sell a little over 100 copies, once it does “top out” it won’t last for much longer.
Of course you’re still covered by the same
“Unconditional 60 Day Love It Or Keep It For Free”
money back guarantee.
This way you can feel free to enjoy the benefits you deserve by being a “fast action taker” without having to take any risk for yourself. It’s all on me. If you’re not satisfied with this for any reason (or no reason at all) just send me an email within the next 60 days and I’ll gladly refund every penny to you.
So Go Ahead…
Click The “Add To Cart” Button Now And Start Using My “Deluxe Training And Personal Coaching Upgrade” Package Today!
Here’s what this upgrade will do for you…
- Create all your character names FOR YOU. – A catchy, easy to remember, name for your character that “fits” is essential. These resources generate an unlimited number of character names for you to take and use as you see fit.
- Fully develop your character’s back story and “arc” FOR YOU. – Each primary character in your book MUST have a history and develop/change over the course of the story. With this software all you do is fill in a few blanks and answer some questions and BANG it’s all done.
- Create your book outline FOR YOU. – As I said before, having a detailed outline for your book will knock off half or more of the overall time it takes to write it. Using this software will knock off about half the time it takes to develop that outline. All you do is click a couple buttons, check some boxes and there you have it… a ready made book outline you can use to get started IMMEDIATELY!
- Provide you with Training videos that show you exactly how to get the best results from each of these deluxe resources. You get to watch me use them so there’s no mystery when it’s your turn.
Plus you also get 30 days of personal email coaching with me!
Listen, we all need a little push or some helpful advice from time to time. I’m willing to give you that push, and be there for you, for an entire month.
But in order for me to put in the time you have to promise that you’ll do what I say! I don’t want to work with anyone who won’t follow my instructions, it would just waste both of our time!
Here’s a little food for thought as we get ready to part today…
Surrounding yourself with people who have traveled the path before is the ONLY way to ensure success. Blindly fumbling around is not going to get you there!
You already have the map, now you just need the tools and the guide!
Thanks again for being my customer! I’ll see you on the other side.
P.S. I’ve set up the order button to stop working after a little more than 100 copies are sold. If you’ve arrived here and it’s not working I’m sorry but you’re too late.
Warning – I am only going to be working with a few people because
I actually work with each of them individually
The WSO Pro Button is set to disappear when that number is reached.